Mixed feelings were felt by many when Nature Genetics published on Monday that researchers had found the cause for Eosinophilic Esophagitis (EoE), a difficult to treat allergic/immune condition which is sometimes developed by patients after outgrowing a food allergy.
This major breakthrough in food allergy research not only affects families who suffer from EoE, but also provides hope for the entire food allergy community as an essential piece of the puzzle toward finding a cure for food allergies.
Some parents, desperate to improve their children’s quality of life were curious about how soon medicine to treat the condition may become available and others were excitedly asking how to get their kids involved in the next clinical trials.
Clinical trials is most likely what it will take for kids currently dealing with EoE to get the kind of relief they need. As Michelle Fogg, president of the Utah Food Allergy Network stated, “Research is expensive and takes a long time… the translation into a viable treatment accessible to the general public is still years down the road.”
Megan Lavin, also of Utah says “I am grateful that this area of research is being given attention and funding. I hope that people will continue to donate and further this cause.”
The recent groundbreaking study was funded in part by Food Allergy Research and Education (FARE), a non-profit organization dedicated to finding a cure for food allergies. FARE hosts over 60 Walks across the United States to raise funds and awareness for food allergies each year. Click here to find a walk near you or join Team Cookie in supporting FARE today.
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