Hey kids,
Did you know that some kids (like our friend Superman) are allergic to pumpkin? That means that for some, traditional pumpkin carving parties are off limits.
As a kid with food allergies, you know what it feels like to not be able to join in on holiday traditions the way other kids do because of your food allergy. So you know exactly how a kid with pumpkin allergies would feel about missing out on the pumpkin carving parties and contests that take place around Halloween!
That’s why we’ve invited you to join our virtual pumpkin free party and help include kids with pumpkin allergies, too!
Here are the rules:
1. Make and decorate a “pumpkin” or jack-o-lantern between now and October 30th.
2. Your project can be food based or completely food free but MUST be free of all of the top 8 food allergens & pumpkin.
3. Take a picture of your completed project.
4. Post your picture on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter and tag @AllergyCookie.
5. Use the hashtag #pumpkinfreeparty when you post your picture.
6. We’ll copy our favorite pictures to our site on October 31st.
Just like traditional pumpkin carving contests, we’ll be looking for the most original, funniest, artistic, and scariest pumpkin free pumpkins so start thinking “outside the pumpkin” and tag us in your pictures today (p.s. don’t forget your teal)!
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