Cooking free of all of the foods you are allergic to usually takes a little more effort than finding and following a good recipe. Often times, you’re faced with the need to substitute one or more of the ingredients in the recipe you’re following.
Understanding the purpose of each ingredient and learning about alternatives that can be used to create the same end goal will help you modify some of your favorite recipes, creating hypoallergenic versions your family can enjoy!
In addition to providing you with our own top 8 free (many also gluten free and vegan) recipes to start from, we’ll also provide you with baking tips and techniques and teach you how to make these substitutions successfully, so your recipe can turn out as close to it’s original version as possible. For delicious, allergy free food that tastes even better than it's original copycat, learn how to cook with Allergy Cookie!
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New to food allergies? Click here to find more tips to help ease your way into your new lifestyle!