The new year is a great time to set goals, step things up, and do a little more than you did the year before. For our family that means teaching our son the importance of wearing a medical alert bracelet at all times.
We started off with this fun medical alert bracelet provided to us for review by Allerbling.
Allerbling is a great option for introducing medical alert jewlery to kids! The bracelet’s low cost is an inexpensive way to get started and the bright colors make the bracelet a fun and exciting new thing to wear.
Allerbling’s medical alert bracelet comes in two sizes, each of which holds up to 5 medical alert charms.
We love the way the charms are designed for parents to easily add or remove as allergies change, but not easy for the child to remove so you don’t have to worry about them getting lost.
You can use up to four slots for medical alert charms or remove the medical alert symbol to open up a fifth slot. Conveniently, there is a medical alert symbol printed on the back of the band and the charms explain each allergy in clear wording so they are easily recognized if you do need to use that fifth slot for an additional allergen.
We used the smaller size for our 3 year old who is currently in the 5th percentile (height and weight) and while there was some definite wiggle room on his wrist, the natural texture of the silicone bracelet helped it stay on his arm without falling off.
Unfortunately, we couldn’t control the fact that the initial novelty of a cool new bracelet wore off quickly and he would randomly take the bracelet off and leave it anywhere (not great for taking him to public places where the bracelet could easily get lost).
Our solution to that problem was to slip it over his foot and have him wear it on his ankle a couple of times. He wasn’t able to get it off of his ankle without our help.
We can now give him the option to wear it on his wrist or his ankle and he is generally more willing to keep it on.
When we put his bracelet on each day, we also remind him that his bracelet will help others know how to keep him safe and invite him to show it off to his friends, story time teachers at the library, church leaders, and any other adult that may look after him from time to time.
The side effects have been that he (1) gets to practice advocating for himself at a young age , (2) learns more about the foods he should avoid, (3) reminds his caretakers about his allergies, and (4) raises awareness in the community as he explains what each charm on the bracelet means.
Allerbling has provided us with an additional medical alert bracelet to give away so don’t forget to enter to win using the widget below:
a Rafflecopter giveaway
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