Suprising Side Effects of Medical Alert Bracelets and Allerbling Giveaway

The new year is a great time to set goals, step things up, and do a little more than you did the year before.  For our family that means teaching our son the importance of wearing a medical alert bracelet at all times. We started…

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10 Reasons Why the General Public Needs to Know About Food Allergies

1. The most common allergens are found in some of the most common foods (milk, peanut butter, etc) 2. Kids are constantly surrounded by food allergens that are life-threatening to them (often being eaten by other children who leave crumbs and don’t wash their hands…

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Utahns Join FARE in Recognizing Food Allergy Awareness Week

Food Allergy Research and Education (a national non-profit organization) is hosting it’s 16th annual food allergy awareness week May 11-17, 2014 and Utahns are getting involved. In the News Recent local news coverage examined the rising concern of life-threatening food allergies in children and adult…

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